Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sleep is for Pansies

I'm currently operating on a different plane. The other one. The non-lucid, head-floaty, could probably talk me into a ponzi scheme plane. The one where people are talking to you but you can only look at them blankly before shaking your head and saying, "what?". That plane. Some people call that plane "jet lag". I think that's a negative term for something that allows you to see fairies. And Elvis. With fairies. It's the plane for selecting lotto numbers. And art. And lipstick colors. It's the reason for printed warnings regarding operating heavy machinery. And ABBA. I think you see.

Some people think you have to ingest something to reach this plane. Pharmaceuticals or organic matter best left planted in the earth. But you don't. All you have to do is be awake on one side of the world and then continue to be awake on the other. That's it. Easy.

Now you try. Then we can maybe choose lipsticks together.

10 keep(s) me blogging:

theWaif said...

Welcome to my plane. That's the plane I've been on since Beckett was born three years ago. At least you get to disembark soon. I've just learned to live with the fairies. They do need to stop stealing my socks, though.

stinkypaw said...

I find it tough to operate on that plane, and for the last 2 days I've been feeling like I should have been on one of these planes or something... Welcome back!

Gorilla Bananas said...

Carrot juice. That's the infallible cure for jet lag. Plus your ears grow long and furry. I think you should visit Graceland now.

Anonymous said...

Bah, fairies dont exist! what youre seeing are actually the nanites that are busily replacing your optic nerves and frontal cortex with electromagnetic nanite nests for more baby nanites. eventually all those nanites will hatch and you'll be a superpowered podperson.

I told ya you shouldnt have gone to Denmark! Now look what those dirty nasty Danes have done to you!

the only good danes are the American Danes (like me!) who are descendants of those wise snowsteppers that escaped the great nanite invasion of 1878.

erin said...

I loved that part of Alice in Wonderland when I was a kid...not now though, of course not.

I used to be in my grandma's garden and make up personalities for all the plants...and I didn't have jet lag.

JennyMac said...

You saw Elvis? Awesome! LOL.

Hope you are rested soon.

wigsf said...

Sleep deprivation is kinda fun at first. After a decade or so of not sleeping properly, it really starts to wear away at your abilities to operate a human body.

Charlie said...

"De plane, de plane!" Geeze I used to hate that munchkin-sized wife-beater.

If you're going shopping for lipstick, pick me up a stick of the color called "lip"—it's a nice blend of overstatement with understated highlights.

Me said...

Just so glad to have you back!

The Future said...

At least you picked the right pansies. You can't be in that bad of shape if you looked to Disney to color your blog world.