So what we're left with is random statements like rappers with lisps are FUN-NY. A rapper with a stutter would be funnier. I imagine there are less of those, however, out amongst the riffraff.
I have a cold. I know, who doesn't. The difference with this one is, I've been shooting Emergen-C straight into my veins and killing germs and bacteria with wine. Combine that with some much needed sleep and a positive attitude...and this puppy's on the way back OUT. I must've aligned my chakras without even realizing it. Or do you align our chi and massage your chakras? Either way, I must be doing it. And a healthy diet, don't forget that. Tonight we're having Tachos. Yes, you remember me introducing you to the glory of those. It was a boyfriend ago. Well it turns out they're also medicinal. And beneficial to both chi and chakras.
Your tattoo replies are good, though some of you are holding out. I don't even have ten yet, so this blog isn't really happening. Ignore it. As you were.

9 keep(s) me blogging:
We have a fantastic Mexican place in town that makes great chakras with chipotle... they're the crunchy kind. MMmmm
If you got what I had then you are far from over that cold. It's just messing with you right now, letting you think that you're getting off easy. Then BAM, you wake up the next morning with your throat on fire and snot lodged all up in your sinuses. And then there's the coughing that lasts for weeks on end.... Ah, but you're probably almost over it, really.
If it's good enough for Chuck Norris...
I take honey and hot water, which works better than syrups and is NATURAL. You can get it free if you know how to handle the bees. Your comments section is turning into family conference. When are we going to hear from your other sister? All of a sudden I'm very curious about her.
ok, so, sent.
Be very careful about rolling over in bed on your chakras.
I keep going to email you about the damn tattoo thing but haven't gotten around to it. I suck.
Also, we don't need to know about what you do to your chakras in your private time.
Quality... not quantity.
Isaac Hayes
Um, so these two nuns were riding along and the road got bumpy and the Mother Superior turns back around and yells "If you don't keep it down Sister I'm going to have to put the seats back on"
(I don't know... I panicked... I don't perform well under this kind of pressure)
I hate getting a cold.
But cannot help but get one at times.
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