I just ate TWO pieces of chocoloate/macadamia nut candy.
It's my 150th post and I think I will celebrate by stating nothing in particular. 'Cause, you know, why deviate from perfection? Exactly.
I have to say something here. Something that's gonna piss off a lot of people, but I have to do it. I'm sorry.
I kind of feel sorry for Paris Hilton.
JUST KIDDING! Ha Ha! I had you guys going there for a second, didn't I. I know, I'm amazing like that. That bitch can just ROT in her white collar, private, clean, sterile, juice-providing, cable-having prison. WITHOUT even her extensions to keep her warm during the cold, lonely California penal nights...for all I care, I mean.
Have you people seen Jesus Camp yet? Watch it. Righ now. Fanfuckingtastic documentary. So watch it. Can't emphasize that directive enough. Don't make me bring out the bold fonts. I'll do it.
I will do it.
8 months ago
12 keep(s) me blogging:
Yeah, I saw Jesus Camp. Freaky wierdos is all I have to say about them.
Congratulations on your 150th post! Does this make you some kind of blog royalty? Shall we change your title from Miss Kara to Empress? I likey.
I saw Jesus Camp. It made the hair stand up on the back of my neck. Especially when that ring-leader lady called into the radio show and said democracy wasn't a good thing, because it made everybody's opinion equal.
I'm laughing my ass off at ol' Paris. I'd love to see a video tape of the first time she gives a guard some attitude.
OK, I was WRONG!! Paris Hilton goes to jail. Hey, maybe her publicist decided to have Paris cash in on the "Martha factor". Do your jail time and become an instant "bad girl" hero.
She's gonna get miles and miles of press when she gets out. But don't take My word for it... I mean really, don't.
I think Jesus loves Paris.
After her jail time, I wonder if Hilton Hotels will purchase her jail cell to rent out. I bet people would buy a few nights stay in that cell.
I saw Jesus Camp with a buddy who's an Evangelican Charaismatic Christian...I think. Basically he said he's in the same church/branch/division/marketing brand as those kids within the Evangelical Christian Church (Corporation). He was shocked at their activities but he also seemed defensive. The kids profiled in the movie are from St. Roberts and I think Lee's Summit, Misery...I mean Missouri. Those towns are soooooo rigid and sketchy...eh I'm already gettin' flashbacks of my rest stops in those towns.
Let's see, you went from chocolates to Paris H. to Jesus Camp. Does this mean if you eat chocolate you'll look like Paris at Jesus Camp, or no maybe it's that if you eat chocolate and your name is Paris you'll be sentenced to Jesus Camp? No, now I'm getting confused...what was your point?
but you already pulled out the bold fonts with your chocolate-eating sentence...
i dont think you're really serious about your bold font usage. i really don't. seriously. pfft.
They should make Paris eat chocolates until she gains a hundred pounds. I think that would be a way better punishment for her than jail. Then send her to fat camp with Jesus!!!
The previews for Jesus Camp was enough to give me nightmares for a month.
Jesus wasn't camp. He may have liked the company of other men, but he never behaved like Liberace.
all y'all - word.
If you liked that movie, definitely check out "Saved," it's hilarious.
And it has McCauley Kaulkin in a wheelchair.
What shits me is that this is only going to give her more cred amongst her young-Hollywood-crowd. Such a shame.
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