I have a bone to pick with some of you. A bone that I can’t pick with each and every one of you at the moment it occurs to me therefore, I will do so here. So pull up a chair and listen as I tell you what.
Pedestrians – It’s not often we have to share a space…but it sometimes happens. Like now, when the
2. It is common custom for a bike to pass you on your left. You may recall once or twice in your life you might have heard someone say “on your left”. Though it’s missing the “I’m passing you” portion of the sentence…the implication is that you should watch out for your left side. If you MOVE to your left side. I’m going to fucking hit you. And not say sorry.
3. When I am riding on the street…I am a car. That means that when I have a green light, it is NOT appropriate for you to cross the street in front of me, preventing me from moving forward. Just because I don’t have an engine, doesn’t mean I can’t FUCK YOU UP. And I’m not even the one you should be worried about. You get a messenger riding a fixie with no breaks coming at you at full speed…you better find religion.
4. Do NOT comment on my bike looking “odd” or “strange”. I know it is small. I know the front wheel is a different size than normal. But it kicks ass, and it has a dinosaur eye bell. And you’re walking, so suck it.
Motorists – it’s your turn, you fuckers:
2. Do not get irritated and honk when I stop for a stop sign. I don’t get irritated and ring my bell when you do.
3. Guess what. I don’t like getting hit by the opening doors of parked cars. It’s not my favorite thing in the world. I know. Shocking. So why don’t you appreciate what I’m doing for the environment and allow me to cycle well within the lane without having to worry about you hitting me and me not winning the lawsuit because I wasn’t acting exactly like a car. Fucker.
4. Do NOT roll down your window and presume to lecture me on the rules of the road from your big ass, gas guzzling SUV because I choose to use a crosswalk to get across a busy street where no one will stop for a bike. While we’re at it…Mr. Morality…how much does it cost to fill your monster up? Yeah, keep supporting that war, asshole.
5. And to you fucking cops…. How many hit and runs have there been this year? Cyclists mowed down? Doesn’t matter? We still deserve $200 tickets for occasionally riding on the sidewalk to avoid death? Yeah. I can just feeeel my respect for your authority oozing out my pores.
6. And while we're on the subject...I point in the direction I'm turning because most motorists haven't the faintest idea what the correct hand signals are for left and right. Get off my back.

12 keep(s) me blogging:
Hmmm...what if we had to have a license to be a pedestrian? You think the world would be better off if we all had to attend pedestrian school? What would the age min be for a licensed pedestrian? Permit pedestrian? Imagine the pedestrian test! I can see an obstacle course with some tires in random places and you on yer scooter w/ Kansas sitting bitch ready to take out any test-takers.
Heck, insurance companies can make some mad money off this one! Pedestrian Insurance!!!
How about Enterprise Rent-A-Pedestrian??? Rent a pedestrian who can carry you on HIS back from point A to point B and all the other thousands points of light!!!
Wow!!! The possibilities are endless.
"I can't walk 55!!!!"
Pedestrians: #4
I couldn't agree with you more. I've only gotten one pedestrian comment, but it was from an obese man who looked he hadn't been anywhere near bicycle for a few decades. He said my bike was too big. I wondered how in the hell he would know and categorized it as unsolicited advice for a "girl cyclist."
Motorists: #4
SUV's piss me off now more than ever. However, the only motorist comment I've gotten was from a dude in a pick-up who yelled, "I'll show you a hand-signal." It freaked me out because I thought it was a threat, but the way he was leering at me, it might've been a pick-up line. Why you would try to hit on a cyclist in the midst of a bunch of 2 ton plus vehicles is beyond me. It's kind of an inopportune moment.
The only driver who almost hit me was in a minivan and he didn't even ask me if I was alright. The fucker.
Despite the hazards I really would like to cycle more, but it's hard to find an only-slightly-sunstroke- inducing time of day for it. I already use mornings for walking the dog. Moreover, I'd like a really girly bike with streamers so that I'll be better able to determine if I'm being harassed for being female or riding a bike.
Welcome to the real world. You won't be safe until you can afford a HumVee. (I recommend you upgrad to the .50 cal machine gun option.)
I'm glad you've got a bell. Thanks to my ape sense of hearing, I know when a bike is behind me even without a bell. But that doesn't stop me shoving them as they go past. I hear peddling is a great butt exercise. Never does any harm for a female to firm up her tush.
It makes me almost glad that the Irish government banned the use of engine-driven vehicles (unless you're a farmer, of course). Seems like a lot of bother.
God, the world is full of retards. You should not have to be explaining these things in the first place.
I want to see a picture of this "odd," "strange" bike.
devina - sometimes yelling at a retreating back is less satisfying than you'd imagine.
ax - why would anyone want to rent a pedestrian?
c - yeah, portland has ideal weather for cycling in the summer...not too hot...not too cold. it's the rest of the year that sucks ass.
apterix - i probably could afford a hummer...but nothing else. i'd have to say goodbye to food, clothing and shelter.
goranas - well aren't you just a bike-hating primate of evilness. you better make nice.
niall - whaaa?
jill - it's really not that strange. i'll try to post a pic. people are just retarded.
I was led to believe the only person to own a bicycle in the US was Lance Armstrong so I guess you have to expect a little ignorance on the part of other road users.
ax - bah!
your highness - welcome! lance is the only one with a bike...the rest of us rent it from him when we want to use it...like a timeshare.
I have nothing insightful to add to this post. I am one of the drivers who gets pissed off at people on bikes. Come on now, pollute with the rest of us and get off the freaking road! Ok, I'm going to hell.
I think you should post this entire blog in Willamette Week, the Oregonian, the Mercury, etc. I'm sure there are hundreds if not thousands who would agree with your sentiments. I pass them on the street everyday.
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