Sometimes...I listen all day long to episodes of This American Life without actually hearing the stories. I'm just comforted by their voices.
Sometimes...I stare at my shoes as I walk...especially if they're a particularly cute pair.
Sometimes...I breathe in the scent of Kansas' hair when he's not paying attention.
Sometimes...when I see someone throw something recyclable away...I have to fight the urge to yell at them.
Sometimes...I wish I had enough self control to starve myself to a size 2.
Sometimes...I listen to XFM Radio London and pretend I live there.
Sometimes...I think about where I was going to be at the age of 27 and I cry.
Sometimes...I eat strawberry-flavored Oreos with my eyes closed.
Sometimes...I plan out the extravagant outfits I'll wear when I'm old. Lots of big hats with fake flowers.
Sometimes...I'm ashamed of how unoriginal I am.
Sometimes...I'm so confounded by other people's belief in a higher power that I don't know where to turn for assurance.
Sometimes...I eat so much I'm afraid I'm going to pop.
Sometimes...I look back on things I've said and done and cringe. For days.
Sometimes...I illegally pick flowers off government property.
Sometimes...I dress the way I actually want to dress.
Sometimes...I don't appreciate my family. can make me feel powerless without even trying.
Sometimes...I'll have five cups of tea in one work day.
Sometimes...I quote Hamlet randomly within a conversation. Lots of times no one notices.
Sometimes...I decide that other people should know what strange things I sometimes do and think.
11 months ago
15 keep(s) me blogging: remind me of mom. And sometimes I remind myself of her. And sometimes Becks reminds me of you. And sometimes I like ketchup on my green beans.
>> Sometimes...I'll have five cups of tea in one work day.
Really? I have that many before lunch. More a mixture of a cup of tea and a cup of coffee. But as well as being accomplished drinkers the Irish also have fondness towards tea!
Shakespere is always a good quoter, oh most pernicious woman!
to be or not to be.....sometimes....that is the question. alas, poor condi, i knew her kara-tio.
you are sooooo not unoriginal. so stop that one sometimes.
1. You are not unoriginal. You have a real knack for putting things in a way that's extremely creative.
2. I cringe, too. Well, I groan. Out loud. People ask me what's wrong, and I don't know what to tell them. Then I have more to groan about.
3. I'm one of the idiots who isn't that well read on Shakespeare and wouldn't catch the quotes. I'm sorry.
You are truly a romantic. I think you kick ass. And I dig the hell out of ass kickin chicks.
(And I mean that in a very heterosexual kind of way!!)
Wow. This was great. I actually laughed out loud at;
"Sometimes...I plan out the extravagant outfits I'll wear when I'm old. Lots of big hats with fake flowers."
well...look how many people came to my pity party! welcome! welcome!
waif - i KNOW you sometimes like ketchup on your greenbeans...and sometimes we scoffed at the parents putting HOT SAUCE on theirs. sometimes.
niall - you MIX coffee and tea? or you just go back and forth. i'm so confused. SO CONFUSED!
macoosh - karatio...that was just awesome.
nic - awww shucks...i heterosexually dig you back too!
jon - well i've been doing it for years. YEARS. and i take notes from old famous people. anne bancroft...katherine hepburn...well, before they died obviously.
"Sometimes...I look back on things I've said and done and cringe. For days."
Good grief...Wine induced political banter with Josh, Jim and my dad this very weekend.
(((Shudder, cringe, shame)))
We've all been there little missy.
"Sometimes...I'm so confounded by other people's belief in a higher power that I don't know where to turn for assurance."
Just look in amazement at Beck and you'll know where to turn.
"Sometimes...I'm so confounded by other people's belief in a higher power that I don't know where to turn for assurance."
"You know who I pray to? Joe Pesci. Joe Pesci. Two reasons; first of all, I think he's a good actor. Okay. To me, that counts. Second; he looks like a guy who can get things done. Joe Pesci doesn't fuck around. Doesn't fuck around. In fact, Joe Pesci came through on a couple of things that God was having trouble with. For years I asked God to do something about my noisy neighbor with the barking dog. Joe Pesci straightened that cock-sucker out with one visit. I noticed that of all the prayers I used to offer to God, and all the prayers that I now offer to Joe Pesci, are being answered at about the same 50 percent rate. Half the time I get what I want. Half the time I don't. Same as God 50-50. Same as the four leaf clover, the horse shoe, the rabbit's foot, and the wishing well. Same as the mojo man. Same as the voodoo lady who tells your fortune by squeezing the goat's testicles. It's all the same; 50-50. So just pick your superstitions, sit back, make a wish and enjoy yourself." - George Carlin
"Sometimes...I think about where I was going to be at the age of 27 and I cry."
I don't cry about it, I just carry around an enormous amount of shame. I should probably just cry.
"Sometimes...I quote Hamlet randomly within a conversation. Lots of times no one notices."
I can't find a good place within a conversation for "Tis the sport to see the engineer blown up by his own pitard," (or however it goes) and "Brevity is the soul of wit," would sound rude in most cases.
sue - i would've thought by now you'd no better...sloshed or NOT...than to get into a political debate with josh. you need a wingman at these events.
ax - ahhh george carlin.'s more like i feel very alone in not needing to believe in anything at all. sometimes i'm ok with it...sometimes i'm frustrated with it.
c - i think the crying is a direct result of the shame.
oh...and i use "brevity is the soul of wit" all the flippin' time. it's only rude if people get it. can make me feel powerless without even trying.
Well, bottles of pasta sauce and salsa aren't going to open themselves ;)
That's going back and forth between tea and coffe, Kara, not mixing.
I did once mix a terrible tea with a terrible instant and when, surprise surprise, it wasn't good (proving once and for all that two wrongs don't make a right), I added in some hot chocolate powder and cavities of sugar it still wasn't nice. But that's a different story from my youth.
And more importantly - how do you take your tea/coffee?
This is a great post! I might steal the idea for my own blog... sometime. I think his should be a meme.
By the way, HOW can you call yourself "unorginal"? You are so freaking creative and interesting and talented. And cute...
also, btw, ketchup on green beans??
I didn't know there were strawberry-flavored Oreos. How did that get by me?
Sometimes...I miss seeing you.
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