Sunday, January 14, 2007

Condicast? (does not work in IE...not sure what's up)

The idea was presented to me that perhaps my written words aren't enough for you gluttonous folk...that a podcast might be an entertaining idea as well. Well, I've slapped together a test for you all (by saying 'I', I mean me, Laura, and mostly Ty) and you might very well agree that the experience is akin to watching paint dry. I tried to watch paint dry once...I had to do a second coat...long story...anyway, here it is in all it's virginal glory:

Oh...and here's my future husband...
I know...I'm a lucky girl. And so is he. Lucky, I mean, not a girl. But he doesn't know it yet. That he's lucky, I mean...I'm pretty sure he knows he's not a girl. Let's hope he does anyway.

13 keep(s) me blogging:

Gorilla Bananas said...

You've got quite a bossy voice, Madam Kara. A good voice for a dominatrix, I would say. It would solve your money problems pretty quickly and you'd have more self-respect than sponging off a sugar daddy. If you do it again, make sure you play the role.

Jen said...

Well, that was grand. What I want more of:
1) Laura belching;
2) Kara saying more words that begin with a "P";
3) A discussion on Tony Randall, and;

And the dude you want to marry? That is Sesame Street's Bert in human form.

Unknown said...

Lordy, are we boring. Me especially. I think we need even less of me, turn my mic down even more next time. And more cowbell. That should do it.

kara said...

goranas - Done and Done. Oh, and like your new name? it's faster to type.

jen - we're no longer speaking since you've made fun of the one great love of my life. You don't see me calling Tony Randall ugly. Jerk.

laura - yeah, and the silence is deafening, if you know what i mean. but maybe we should do it again anyway. screw the critics.

Gorilla Bananas said...

If you're really into brevity, Kara, you could always type 'GB'.

slaghammer said...

Hey, the future hubby, he’s doing that thing with his eyebrows. One of them is hiked up a little higher than the other one; he’s clearly thinking about something very important.
Btw, the link to your podcast appears to be broken.

d said...

i started listening to your condicast, but it's 14 minutes long and i'm at work. so i listened to some minutes and will have to finish it when i get to calgary and get an internet connection again.

your future husband... he looks like he's doing the "smell the fart" acting technique and trying to hold back the fact that he's the one who actually farted. aside from that, he looks like quite a catch. and has a good start on a button collection. allow me to be the first to congratulate you on your impending nuptuals. or maybe i'm not the first. i didn't really read the other comments.

kara said...

goranas - it's not so much a love of brevity as it is an appreciation of funny words to say out loud...repeatedly...when I'm all alone...and sometimes when I'm not. but if you don't think it fits you, I can rethink it. maybe.

slag - it is not broken! YOU'RE broken! i tend to respond to everything emotionally, don't i. alas.

d - when's the big move? oh and i think the look is more of a "being blinded by flashbulbs". and you are the first with the congrats. i appreciate them. i'll send you an invite when it happens...the wedding...but, you know, first i have to meet him.

Sarah said...

He's hot. I can't make the podcast work. Damn. I was too late.

The Future said...

OK, I'm listening to it right now and I would suggest some talking points written down in advance to help you remember what you were talking about between burps. Actually, your boredom and yawning comes across as you being bored and tired. Perhaps I misunderstood? P. S. I'm ashamed of you buying a purse which is most definitely an extension of a shoe, everyone knows that.

The Future said...

One more thought, please continue the poopcasts, if for no other reason than for all of us to find out if there really is anything worth talking about.

Devon said...

i will only listen to your next podcasts if you end each episode by saying "TALK HARD"

If you don't know what that means you really should stop watching that terrible HBO show and start watching more Samantha Mathis movies.

Macoosh said...

i just want you to know that i haven't listened yet b/c i haven't been in a place conducive to that, and i haven't read these comments b/c i want to listen first. but i will listen soon!!!

just in case you were mad and stomping your feet b/c i haven't commented yet...

i know you were...don't lie.