Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Oh Stalker, My Stalker

Ballet kicked my ass last night...KICKED MY ASS. My leg muscles keep randomly spasming. Just thought I'd share.

So I have tidbits of nonsense to impart. One concerning myself, and the other not. Which one do you want first? Well, none of you get to decide so too bad.

First, I was flipping through channels, willing myself to become sleepy, when I landed on the tail end of Dancing With The Stars. Worst show ever...HOWEVER...they were listing the three bottom duos. The bottomest of the bottom was some chick and TUCKER CARLSON. For those of you who do not know who that is...he's the former Crossfire host and current conservative blowhole host of something on CNN...the one that Jon Stewart verbally skewered a year or so back on national television...the one that wears a stupid bow tie. Anyway, he's apparently such a shitty dancer, he's doing worse than that Joey guy from Blossom. For some reason, this gives me pleasure.

Onto me...I can't shake off this creepy actor guy. Literally. Myspace seems to have worked for a lot of my friends, so I thought I'd try it I told actor guy I'd meet him. I went out with him ONCE...realized he was a freak...then told him it wouldn't be happening again. This was over a month ago. Since then he's been emailing, myspacing, calling, and text messaging. I have answered NONE of them and that doesn't seem to be fazing him at all. Last night it was a "whatcha doin'?" kind of text message. WHAT THE FUCK??? Question...if someone tells you they don't want to see you again...and then doesn't answer any attempts at communication for a MONTH...wouldn't YOU get the fucking clue?

I'm not quite sure what to do. If I answer him in any way, even to say "fuck off", he might take that as interest. I could keep ignoring him...but the fact is, everytime I hear from him, I get a little more creeped out. Laura says I can block his number on my phone, but if he tries to text me "I'm coming for you, you ignoring bitch", I kind of want the notice. Anway...what was my point? Oh yes. I fucking hate dating.

11 keep(s) me blogging:

Anonymous said...

It's quite a quandrundrum. Maybe he landed a part as a stalker in a movie that he's doing research for? Or maybe he's just dense as a doorknob? Or maybe he's just a knob? I'm guessing it's #3.

d said...

he knows where you live? why did you tell him where you live?

definitely tell him to "fuck off" - even if he doesn't get the hint, it'll make you feel better. and that's really what's most important, right? tell him twice if you'd like.

hey! maybe you should send him tons of text messages and emails and shit telling him to fuck off. think of how good you'll feel. all the time. my god i'm fucking brilliant! and very modest.

kara said...

laura - i think you're right

d - he doesn't know where i live...but psychos can find this stuff out fairly easily. i just want him to go away without any action on my part. is that being too non-confrontational?

Anonymous said...

Hey, the same thing happened to me. If he starts sending you love letters, be sure to keep them to show them to your friends for comical relief whenever you get bored. It's well worth it. However, I didn't give ANY of my details to my random stalker in Scotland, so she had to make do with letters, and embarrassingly pass them to me at work.

Anonymous said...

Not if he's a real stalker, Devon! That'll just fire him up to lustful and violent thoughts ...

The Dog of Freetown said...

A lot of people don't realise it, but ballet is worse than war.

kara said...

devon - his email today was the last straw...if he even tries to respond to my "stop it now" email...i'm unleashing you on him

niall - you're not helping

kieran - hi. welcome. and yes it is...especially when my new teacher is a nazi.

Anonymous said...

kara- is reality TV really reality? I'm glad you get joy from someone being a loser.
P.S. Keep your door and your phone locked at night. No more word invasion!

Anonymous said...

You want me to break his arm? After all, what's a Father for?

slaghammer said...

This is disturbing news. Nut jobs on the internet? Now I'm wondering if maybe I shouldn't have given those nice people in Malaysia my social security number. Anyway, tell creepy-actor-guy your ex-boyfriend is being paroled on a murder conviction and you still love him. That should do the trick.

Me said...

Wait, what?